位炭素原子に対するメトキシ基の配向により存在するシス、トランス回転異性体に起因すると考えられるバンドプログレッションが示された。D$1$-D$0$遷移に対応する各回転異性体のオリジンバンドは19652 6cm!-1と19997 0cm!-1!に観測された。Laser induced fluorescence spectrum of 3-methoxybenzyl radical was observed by photolysis of 3-methoxybenzyl chloride in a supersonic jet. The observed spectrum consists of two series of vibrational progressions, which would result from two rotational isomers attributed to the orientation of the methoxy group. The observed bands at 19652 6 cm-1 and 19997 0 cm-1 were assigned to the origin bands for the D1-D0 transition of 3-methoxybenzyl radical isomers.