産総研炭素セ・産総研物質プ・物質材料機構・Tech. Univ. Graz
○中山敦子,藤久裕司,竹村謙一,Martin Oehzelt,Roland Resel,青木勝敏,古賀義紀
We have carried out the high-pressure powder x-ray diffraction measurements of C602I4 and C14H10 with helium pressure medium. The C602I4 crystal shows the phase transition at 27 GPa, which leads to the pressure-induced metallization. The mixed state between the low- and high-pressure phases is observed in the wide pressure range between 27 and 40 GPa. Existing of such a mixed state gives obscurity of the pressure causing the insulator-to-metal transition. The C14H10 crystal shows the pressure-induced color change above 3 GPa and the phase transition at 10 GPa.