Dimethyl-methylphosphonate の置換ー反転群とそのマイクロ波スペクトルの解析
J T Hougen,Richard D Suenram,F J Lovas,D F Plusquellic,G Golubiatnikov,A Lesarri,J O Jensen,A C Samuels,○大橋信喜美,Jan Pyka,川嶋良章
Dimethyl-methylphosphonate 分子の大振幅振動についての群論的考察とそれに基づいて行われたマイクロ波吸収スペクトルの解析結果について報告する。
The permutation inversion-group theoreticl forrmalism has been developed for the dimethyl-methylphosphonate molecule, which has three large-amplitude methyl top internal rotation motions and one large-amplitude methoxy interchange motion. The Fourier transform microwave spectrum of this molecule has been analyzed according tothis formalism.