Sunday, September 17 (Starting at 9:00)
For each presentation, the alphabet in the Presentation Number indicates the location, the first digit the day of the presentation (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th day of the meeting), and the last two the order within each day for that venue.
Venue A MorningVenue B MorningVenue C MorningVenue D Morning
Venue F Morning
Venue A AfternoonVenue B AfternoonVenue C AfternoonVenue D Afternoon Venue F Afternoon Venue S Afternoon
Venue A AfternoonVenue B AfternoonVenue C AfternoonVenue D Afternoon Venue F Afternoon Venue S Afternoon
Sunday Morning Sessions(September 17, starting at 9:00)
9:00-9:18 | 3A01 | Channel- and orientation-resolved ionization probability measurement of ethanol in intense laser fields (QST)*Hiroshi Akagi,Tomohito Otobe,Ryuji Itakura |
9:18-9:36 | 3A02 | Mixture and flip of MO of ethanol in the tunnel ionization process (QST)*Tomohito Otobe,Hiroshi Akagi,Ryuji Itakura |
9:36-9:54 | 3A03 | Observation of autoionization processes in D2 molecule with an intense attosecond pulse train (RIKEN1,JST PRESTO2)*Tomoya Okino1,2,Yasuo Nabekawa1,Katsumi Midorikawa1 |
9:54-10:12 | 3A04 | Asymmetry flip of photoelectron emission in intense circularly polarized few-cycle laser fields (School of Science, Univ. of Tokyo1,Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena2)*Shinichi Fukahori1,Kaoru Yamanouchi1,Gerhard g. Paulus2 |
10:12-10:30 | 3A05 | Symmetry Breaking of Non-Adiabatic Electron Wave Packets in Intense-Laser Fields (FIFC, Kyoto U)*Takahide Matsuoka,Kazuo Takatsuka |
10:30-10:40 | Break | |
10:40-10:58 | 3A06 | Observation and coherent control of single-photon laser-enabled Auger decay using the free-electron laser FERMI (The Univ. of Tokyo1,Tohoku Univ.2,Australian National Univ.3,Politecnico di Milano4,ELI-ALPS5,European XFEL6,Elettra-Sincrotrone7,ENEA C.R. Frascati8,Swinburne Univ. of Tech.9,Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche10)*Kenichi Ishikawa1,D. Iablonskyi2,Kiyoshi Ueda2,A. Kheifets3,G. Sansone4,5,P. Carpeggiani4,M. Reduzzi4,A. Comby4,T. Csizmadia5,S. Kuehn5,E. Ovcharenko6,T. Mazza6,M. Meyer6,A. Fischer7,C. Callegari7,O. Plekan7,P. Finetti7,E. Allaria7,L. Giannessi7,8,B. Diviacco7,D. Gauthier7,E. Roussel7,E. Ferrari7,K. c. Prince7,9,10 |
10:58-11:16 | 3A07 | Interatomic Coulombic decay processes induced by multiple excitation in neon dimers and clusters by XUV free-electron laser irradiation (IMRAM, Tohoku University1,Universität Heidelberg2,Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste3,Kyoto University4,Lund University5,Università degli Studi di Milano6,CNR-IFN7,Physikalisches Institut Albert-Ludwigs-Universität8,Center for Free-Electron Laser Science9,Technische Universität Berlin10,Universität Freiburg11,CNR-ISM12,CNR-IOM13,Max-Born-Institut14,University of Connecticut15,University of Nova Gorica16,Universität Kassel17)*Tsukasa Takanashi1,Denys Iablonskyi1,Nikolay Golubev2,Carlo Callegari3,Kiyonobu Nagaya4,Hironobu Fukuzawa1,Koji Motomura1,Yoshiaki Kumagai1,Subhendu Mondal1,Tetsuya Tachibana1,Toshiyuki Nishiyama4,Kenji Matsunami4,Per Johnsson5,Paolo Piseri6,Giuseppe Sansone7,8,Antoine Dubrouil7,Maurizio Reduzzi7,Paolo Carpeggiani7,Caterina Vozzi7,Michele Devetta7,Matteo Negro7,Davide Faccialà7,Francesca Calegari9,7,Andrea Trabattoni9,7,Mattea Castrovilli7,Yevheniy Ovcharenko10,Thomas Möller10,Marcel Mudrich11,Frank Stienkemeier11,Marcello Coreno12,Michele Alagia13,Bernd Schütte14,Nora Berrah15,Alexander Kuleff2,Ghazal Jabbari2,Oksana Plekan3,Paola Finetti3,Carlo Spezzani3,Eugenio Ferrari3,Enrico Allaria3,Giuseppe Penco3,Claudio Serpico3,Giovanni De Ninno3,16,Ivaylo Nikolov3,Bruno Diviacco3,Simone Di Mitri3,Luca Giannessi3,Kevin Prince13,3,Lorenz Cederbaum2,Philipp Demekhin17,Kiyoshi Ueda1 |
11:16-11:34 | 3A08 | Photoinduced atomic desorption dynamics in quantum helium clusters (Graduate School of Science and engineering, Saitama Univ.1,Japan Atomic Energy Agency2)*Yusuke Seki1,Toshiyuki Takayanagi1,Motoyuki Shiga2 |
11:34-12:10 | 3A09 | [Invited Talk (Mizushima-Raman Lecture)]Table top x-ray and terahertz radiation sources for molecular science (Tata Inst.)*G. Ravindra Kumar |
Venue B [Clusters/particles/nanostructures]
9:00-9:18 | 3B01 | Optical properties of chemically controlled gold nanoparticle thin films prepared at a liquid-liquid interface (Waseda Univ.)*Atsuko Jimbo,Kohei Imura |
9:18-9:36 | 3B02 | Optical properties of chemically transformed polystyrene microstructures by electron beam and ultraviolet light irradiation (Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University.)*Yoshio Kamura,Kohei Imura |
9:36-9:54 | 3B03 | Absorption and scattering characteristics of metal nanoparticles revealed by near-field transmission and reflection spectroscopy (School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University)Hidetoshi Mizobata,Seiju Hasegawa,*Kohei Imura |
9:54-10:30 | 3B04 | [Invited Talk]Spectral and Temporal Evolutions of Near Field on Coupled Plasmonic Nanostructures by Photoemission Electron Microscopy (RIES, Hokkaido Univ.1,National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan2)*Hiroaki Misawa1,2 |
10:30-10:40 | Break | |
10:40-10:58 | 3B06 | Detection of single protonation through single-molecule conductance (ISIR-SANKEN, Osaka Univ.)Sachie Tanimoto,Kazumichi Yokota,Makusu Tsutsui,*Masateru Taniguchi |
10:58-11:16 | 3B07 | Molecular dynamics in self-assembly processes (Department of Molecular Engineering, Kyoto University1,2ESICB, Kyoto University2,Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo3)*Hirofumi Sato1,2,Tatsuya Iioka1,Yoshihiro Matsumura1,Shuichi Hiraoka3 |
11:16-11:34 | 3B08 | Quantum-Chemical Studies on Lanthanide encapsulated metallofullerenes towards designing functional materials (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University)*Archana Velloth,Imamura Yutaka,Kodama Takeshi,Hada Masahiko |
11:34-11:52 | 3B09 | Development and Leading Application of Multiscale Simulation Method Based on FMO Calculations (Rikkyo Univ.1,Univ. Tokyo2,JSOL Co.3,Keio Univ.4)*Koji Okuwaki1,Hideo Doi1,Yuji Mochizuki1,2,Taku Ozawa3,Kenji Yasuoka4 |
11:52-12:10 | 3B10 | Computational study of electrochemical reduction on anatase-type TiO2 nanoparticles (Sch. Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology)*Gergely Juhasz |
9:18-9:36 | 3C02 | Construction of wholly TTF charge ordered insulators (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.1,AHSE, Kyoto Univ.2,Institute for Molecular Science3)*Kentaro Murakami1,Keita Uenaka1,Manabu Ishikawa2,Yoshiaki Nakano1,Mikio Uruichi3,Akihiro Otsuka1,Hideki Yamochi1 |
9:36-9:54 | 3C03 | Consideration of the substituent size effect in the wholly TTF periodic mixed crystals (AHSE, Kyoto Univ.1,Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.2)*Manabu Ishikawa1,Keita Uenaka2,Yoshiaki Nakano2,Akihiro Otsuka2,Hideki Yamochi2 |
9:54-10:12 | 3C04 | Halogen-bridged Pd Chain Complex with Superior Electrical Conductivity (Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University1,Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo2,Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University3)*Mohammad Rasel Mian1,Hiroaki Iguchi1,Shinya Takaishi1,Hiroshi Okamoto2,Hisaaki Tanaka3,Shin-ichi Kuroda3,Masahiro Yamashita1 |
10:12-10:30 | 3C05 | Nonlinear Photocurrent Spectroscopy (Inst. for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ.)*Richard Murdey |
10:30-10:40 | Break | |
10:40-10:58 | 3C06 | Study of electronic states for low band-gap component in the solids of n- alkanes using temperature-dependent ATR-FUV spectroscopy (School of Science and Engineering, Kindai Univ.1,Food Research Institute, NARO2,Institute for Molecular Science3,School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin Univ.4)*Yusuke Morisawa1,Akifumi Ikehata2,Masahiro Ehara3,Yukihiro Ozaki4 |
10:58-11:16 | 3C07 | Time-Resolved EPR and Theoretical Investigations of Metal-Free Room-Temperature Triplet Emitters for OLEDs (Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University1,Max Planck Institute for MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion2,Institut for Experimental und Applied Physics, University of Regensburg3,Kekulé Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bonn4,Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Bonn5)*Hideto Matsuoka1,5,Marius Retegan2,Lisa Schmitt4,Ratzke Ratzke3,John Lupton3,Sigurd Hoeger4,Frank Neese2,Olav Schiemann5 |
11:16-11:34 | 3C08 | Theoretical investigation and molecular design of aggregation induced emission of alkylaminoarene (FIFC,Kyoto Univ.)*Satoshi Suzuki,Keiji Morokuma |
11:34-11:52 | 3C09 | Relationship between structural fluctuation and charge separation in perovskite solar cells: first-principles simulations and theoretical analyses (Graduate School of Engineering, Univ. of Tokyo1,CREST-JST2)*Hiroki Uratani1,2,Koichi Yamashita1,2 |
11:52-12:10 | 3C10 | High-energy electronic transitions of polymer-graphene type nanocomposites. Attenuated total reflection far/deep -ultraviolet spectroscopy and DFT study of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-graphene nanocomposite material (School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University1,School of Science and Engineering, Kinki University2,Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University3,Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University4,Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University5)*Krzysztof Bec1,Yusuke Morisawa2,Kenta Kobashi1,Justyna Grabska1,Ichiro Tanabe3,Erika Tanimura1,Harumi Sato4,Marek Wójcik5,Yukihiro Ozaki1 |
9:00-9:18 | 3D01 | Study on hydrogen bonding effect on absorption intensities of overtones of (NIT, Kumamoto College1,Josai Univ.2,Kwansei Gakuin Univ.3)*Yoshisuke Futami1,Yasushi Ozaki2,Yukihiro Ozaki3 |
9:18-9:36 | 3D02 | Theoretical analysis of the polarization effect of hydrogen-bonded water (Graduate School of Education, Shizuoka Univ.)*Hironobu Ito,Hajime Torii |
9:36-9:54 | 3D03 | Infrared spectrum calculations with incorporated quantum chemical effect of solvent (UTokyo, RCAST1,UTokyo, App. Chem.2,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology3)*Hiroshi Watanabe1,2,Hiroshi Ishikita1,2,Kubar Tomas3 |
9:54-10:12 | 3D04 | Solvent dynamical modes in the dissociation of an ion pair in water (Shizuoka Univ.)*Shinnosuke Kawai |
10:12-10:30 | 3D05 | Effects of anion on the liquid structure of graphene electrode-ionic liquid interface (AIST, CD-FMat1,Dept. Appl. Chem. Nagoya Univ.2,School of Adv. Eng. Kogakuin Univ.3,Graduate School of Sci. & Tech, Niigata Univ.4,Dept. Chem. & Biochem. Yokohama Natl. Univ.5)*Seiji Tsuzuki1,Takenobu Nakamura1,Tetsuya Morishita1,Wataru Shinoda2,Shiro Seki3,Yasuhiro Umebayashi4,Kazuhide Ueno5,Kaoru Dokko5,Masayoshi Watanabe5 |
10:30-10:40 | Break | |
10:40-10:58 | 3D06 | Excited-state structural change of thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials (Kyushu Univ.1,Tokyo Tech.2,OPERA, Kyushu Univ.3,JST-ERATO4)*Ken Onda1,Tatsuhiko Mukuta2,Sei'ichi Tanaka2,Hajime Nakanotani3,4,Chihaya Adachi3,4 |
10:58-11:16 | 3D07 | Singlet oxygen quenching by CH stretching modes in ionic liquids and its anion dependence (Kanagawa University1,Tokyo Tech2)Naoya Ishiwata2,Tsuyoshi Yoshida2,*Akio Kawai1,2 |
11:16-11:34 | 3D08 | Localized vs. delocalized ground and excited states of square pyramidal Co-salen complexes: theoretical study of crystalline and solvation effects (FIFC, Kyoto Univ.)*Shinji Aono,Masayuki Nakagaki,Shigeyoshi Sakaki |
11:34-11:52 | 3D09 | Control of multiphoton-gated ring-opening reaction of a diarylethene derivative using vibrational coherence (Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.1,Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City Univ.2)*Hikaru Sotome1,Yuka Tachii1,Seiya Kobatake2,Hiroshi Miyasaka1 |
11:52-12:10 | 3D10 | Nonadiabatic ab initio MD simulation of photoisomerization between 1,3-cyclohexadiene (CHD) and 1,3,5-cis-hexatriene (HT) in solution (FST, Sophia University)*Shinkoh Nanbu |
9:00-9:18 | 3F01 | Catalytic Performance of Transition Metal Complexes in Ethylene Oligo/Polymerization by Molecular Modeling (Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences1,Department of Chemistry, School of Science, University of Tokyo2)*Wenhong Yang1,2,Wen-hua Sun1 |
9:18-9:36 | 3F02 | Hydrogen evolution reaction catalyzed by gold cluster supported on h-BN/Au(111) (Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido Univ.1,Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Univ.2,ESICB3,NIMS GREEN4,PRESTO JST5)*Maki Nakahara1,Min Gao2,3,Andrey Lyalin4,Masato Kobayashi2,3,5,Tetsuya Taketsugu2,3,4 |
9:36-9:54 | 3F03 | Automatic material search for next-generation organic photovoltaics (Graduate school of Science and engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University1,Toyo University2,RIKEN AICS3)*Yutaka Imamura1,Motomichi Tashiro2,Michio Katouda3 |
9:54-10:12 | 3F04 | Investigation of ion conductive mechanisms of carriers in covalent organic frameworks (Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ.1,WPI-ITbM2,JAIST3,RISE4,Waseda Univ.5,JST-CREST6,ESICB7,Oak Ridge National Laboratory8)*Taku Hayashi1,Yuh Hijikata1,2,Donglin Jiang3,Yoshifumi Nishimura4,Hiromi Nakai4,5,6,7,Stephan Irle8 |
10:12-10:30 | 3F05 | Discovery of novel Pb-free perovskite solar cells on K computer (RIKEN AICS)*Takahito Nakajima,Keisuke Sawada |
10:30-10:40 | Break | |
10:40-10:58 | 3F06 | Classical analogue of quantum nonadiabatic transitions in molecular systems; The slaving principle and uprising by the slaved. (Fukui Institute, Kyoto University)*Kazuo Takatsuka |
10:58-11:16 | 3F07 | PubChemQC Project:a large-scale first-principles calculation database and estimation of electronic structure by machine learning (RIKEN ACCC1,RIKEN AICS2)*Maho Nakata1,Tomomi Shimazaki2 |
11:16-11:34 | 3F08 | Isomerization of photoactive yellow protein chromophore under high pressure (Elements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts and Batteries (ESICB), Kyoto University1,Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University2)*Ryoichi Fukuda1,2 |
11:34-11:52 | 3F09 | Hartree-Fock calculations of model DNA (Faculty of Science, Josai Univ.1,Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu Univ.2)*Hiroyuki Teramae1,Yuriko Aoki2 |
11:52-12:10 | 3F10 | Many-body expansion in the fragment molecular orbital method and its physical picture (CD-FMat, AIST)*Dmitri Fedorov |
Sunday Afternoon Sessions(September 17 Starting at 14:50)
14:50-15:08 | 3A11 | Infrared spectroscopic investigation of the n-pi interaction between fluorine substituted benzene and water (Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.)*Ryosuke Uesugi,Asuka Fujii,Yoshiyuki Matsuda |
15:08-15:26 | 3A12 | Influence of hydrogen-bond formation upon intramolecular interaction in solvated 3-aminopyridine clusters (Fukuoka univ.)Mao Ogawa,*Yuji Yamada,Yoshinori Nibu |
15:26-15:44 | 3A13 | Study of nonradiative decay process and trans → cis isomerization of para-, meta-, ortho-hydroxy methylcinnamate (Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.1,Graduate School of BASE, Tokyo Univ. of A & T2,IMS3,SOKENDAI4,Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ.5,Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ.6,JST-Presto7)*Shin-nosuke Kinoshita1,Yasunori Miyazaki1,Yoshiya Inokuchi1,Takayuki Ebata1,Masataka Sumida1,Yuuki Onitsuka1,Hiroshi Kohguchi1,Nobuyuki Akai2,Takafumi Shiraogawa3,4,Masahiro Ehara3,4,Kaoru Yamazaki5,Yu Harabuchi6,7,Satoshi Maeda6,Tetsuya Taketsugu6 |
15:44-16:02 | 3A14 | Substitution position dependent nonradiative decay pathways of hydroxyl methycinnamate based sunscreens (IMR, Tohoku, Univ.1,Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ.2,JST-CREST3,Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.4,BASE, Tokyo. Univ. of A. & T.5,IMS6,SOKENDAI7,JST-PREST8)*Kaoru Yamazaki1,2,3,Shin-noshuke Kinoshita4,Yasunori Miyazaki4,Masataka Sumida4,Yuuki Onitsuka4,Hiroshi Kohguchi4,Yoshiya Iguchi4,Nobuyuki Akai5,Takafumi Shiraogawa6,7,Masahiro Ehara6,7,Yu Harabuchi2,8,Tetsuya Taketsugu2,3,Satoshi Maeda2,3,Takayuki Ebata4 |
16:02-16:20 | 3A15 | Study of the nonradiative process of cinnamic acid derivatives as sunscreen agents (Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.)*Shingo Nakayama,Takayuki Ebata,Yoshiya Inokuchi,Hiroshi Kohguchi,Yuuki Onitsuka,Shinnosuke Kinoshita |
Venue B [Clusters/particles/nanostructures]
14:50-15:08 | 3B11 | Adsorbed Hydrogens on Gold Clusters: Electronic Interaction and Chemical Properties (School of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo1,ESICB, Kyoto Univ.2,JST, CREST3)*Seiji Yamazoe1,2,3,Ryo Ishida1,Shingo Hasegawa1,Shun Hayashi1,Tatsuya Tsukuda1,2 |
15:08-15:26 | 3B12 | Controlled growth of gold clusters mediated by adsorbed hydrogens (The Univ. of Tokyo1,ESICB, Kyoto Univ.2)*Shinjiro Takano1,Haru Hirai1,Tatsuya Tsukuda1,2 |
15:26-15:44 | 3B13 | Ultrathin Gold Nanorods: Atomic Structures, Stability and Optical Properties (Sch. of Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo1,ESICB, Kyoto Univ.2,JST CREST3)*Ryo Takahata1,Seiji Yamazoe1,2,3,Kiichirou Koyasu1,2,Tatsuya Tsukuda1,2 |
15:44-16:02 | 3B14 | Observation of isomer transformation in thiolate-protected alloy clusters at atomic resolution by high-resolution reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Technology, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.1,Graduate School of Chemical Science, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.2)*Yuki Koyama1,Seiichiro Watanabe2,Yoshiki Niihori1,Yuichi Negishi2 |
16:02-16:20 | 3B15 | Structural analysis of ligand protected platinum and gold-platinum alloy clusters using single X-ray crystal structural analysis (Tokyo University of Science)*Yuichi Negishi,Mai Hosoi,Sakiat Hossain,Lakshmi Nair,Tasuku Ono,Shota Wakayama,Shunjiro Takagi,Mahiro Yoshioka,Yukari Imai,Zhaoheng Chen,Wataru Kurashige |
14:50-15:08 | 3C11 | Dynamic Molecular Structural Transformation Coupled with Fluorescent Chromism of 2-(2’-Hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazole Derivative Bearing Sulfonic Acid (Guraduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ.1,IMRAM, Tohoku University2,Chitose Institute of Science and Technology3)*Yuta Nakane1,Takashi Takeda2,1,Norihisa Hoshino2,1,Ken-ichi Sakai3,Tomoyuki Akutagawa2,1 |
15:08-15:26 | 3C12 | An ESIPT fluorophore with a switchable intramolecular hydrogen bond: solid-state fluorochromism and full color emission (CIST1,IMRAM, Tohoku.Univ.2)*Saki Tsuchiya1,Ken-ichi Sakai1,Yuta Nakane2,Takemitsu Kikuchi2,Tomoyuki Akutagawa2 |
15:26-15:44 | 3C13 | Photoisomerization of aminonaphthylnitrene (Graduate School of BASE, Tokyo University of Agri. & Tech.)Takuya Okamura,*Nobuyuki Akai,Munetaka Nakata |
15:44-16:02 | 3C14 | FTIR spectral analysis of intermolecular interaction change in the tablet of mixture of acidic and basic drugs (Fac. Pharm. Sci., Tokyo Univ. Sci.)*Wataru Kuwashima,Yasuhiro Yamaki,Kanako Shiono,Yohsuke Shimada,Satoru Goto |
16:02-16:20 | 3C15 | Relationship between crystal structures and thermoluminescence spectra of gamma-irradiated shells (Graduate School of BASE1,Ueshima Seisakusho Co. Ltd.2,Koga Isotope Co.3)Moe Shonaka1,Hiroshi Ishii2,Takayuki Hironiwa3,Nobuyuki Akai1,*Munetaka Nakata1 |
14:50-15:08 | 3D11 | Electronic structure of pentacene-metal interface studied by UPS, MAES, and first-principles calculation (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo)*Takashi Kajimoto,Yujiro Ito,Takanori Koitaya,Masaru Aoki,Shigeru Masuda |
15:08-15:26 | 3D12 | Valence electronic structure of picene thin films on metal substrates studied by UPS, MAES, and first-principles calculation (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo1,Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University2)*Kosuke Isono1,Takafumi Higuchi1,Takanori Koitaya1,Masaru Aoki1,Ken-ichi Shudo2,Masuda Shigeru1 |
15:26-15:44 | 3D13 | First-principles calculations on CO-NO reaction and N2 production mechanisms on catalytic CrCu/CeO2 surface (Institute for Molecular Science1,Graduate School of Science and Technology Kumamoto University2,ESICB Kyoto University3,University of Strasbourg-CNRS4)*Kenichi Koizumi1,3,Hiroshi Yoshida2,3,Masato Machida2,3,Katsuyuki Nobusada1,3,Mauro Boero4 |
15:44-16:02 | 3D14 | Theoretical Study on Charge Transfer States at the Pentacene/Fullerene Interface (Institute for Molecular Science1,Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Tottori Univ.2)*Takatoshi Fujita1,Md. khorshed Alam1,Takeo Hoshi2 |
14:50-15:26 | 3F11 | [Invited Talk]Exploration into biomolecular science of sugar chains (IMS/OIIB, Natl. Inst. Nat. Sci1,Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Nagoya City Univ.2)*Koichi Kato1,2 |
15:26-15:44 | 3F13 | A molecular dynamics study on the binding process of antigen and antibody (RCAST, Univ. Tokyo)*Takefumi Yamashita,Yuichiro Takamatsu |
15:44-16:02 | 3F14 | A theoretical study on the oxygen-binding structure of alternative oxidase (Grad. Sch. of Pure & Appl. Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba)*Sotaro Yamasaki,Mitsuo Shoji,Yasuteru Shigeta |
16:02-16:20 | 3F15 | Machine-learning assisted analyses of FMO calculation results (Rikkyo Univ.1,Univ. Tokyo, IIS2,AIST3,Knowledge Communication, Co. Ltd.4,Hoshi Univ.5,Kobe Univ.6)*Yuji Mochizuki1,2,Yuto Komeiji3,Sona Saitou1,Mayu Fujimoto1,Jun Iijima1,Takaya Abe1,Koji Okuwaki1,Hideo Doi1,Akira Okusawa4,Ken Makimura4,Takaya Nakanishi4,Kaori Fukuzawa5,2,Shigenori Tanaka6 |
16:40-17:40 | [Plenary Lecture]Organic hydride-catalyzed reduction of CO2 to methanol via hydride/proton transfer steps(University of Colorado1,Ecole Normale Superieure2)○James T. Hynes1, 2 |